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Pediatric dentistry


The ideal time for a child’s first dental visit is around the age of12 – 24 months. 

At this first visit your dentist will use the opportunity to give important information regarding cleaning your young child’s mouth, baby bottle caries, teething and other habits that is important to note as your child grows up. An inspection will be done on the overall health of the mouth and any visible teeth. 

For children who are a bit older the visit may include a full exam of the teeth, bite, gums and oral tissues to check growth and development. If deemed necessary, an x-ray will be taken to diagnose decay (depending on the child’s age). This will also be a “show and tell” opportunity where the child will be introduced to how the chair works as well as the various instruments we use (mirror, brush tip etc), giving them the opportunity to ask any questions they might have. 

If needed, we will refer your child to the oral hygienist who will do a gentle cleaning. The oral hygienist will show you and your child how to properly brush and floss and give advice on fluoride and home care products. 

It is recommended to bring your child every 6 months for a visit to make sure that they maintain good oral health.


Preparing your child for their first visit is very important and the following is worth taking note of:

  • Try to arrange for a morning appointment as they are normally more awake and well rested
  • Give them information regarding the visit and make them excited to come
  • Avoid using words like “injection”, “drill” and be careful not to relate any of your own dental fear over to your child
  • Discuss any concerns beforehand with your dentist
  • Try to stay calm in the dental room as children pick up their parent anxieties very easily.


After the initial visit (if not an emergency) the dentist will compile a treatment plan and cost estimate and schedule a second appointment in which the fillings/extractions will be done.

We make use of metal free tooth coloured fillings and the extractions are done with the least amount of trauma. (if deemed necessary the option of theatre or sedation might be recommended).


At the age of 6 or 7 we normally screen children to see if there is the need for orthodontic treatment. At this age the permanent teeth are still developing and the jaw still growing. Not all orthodontic problems can be treated at this age but conditions like cross bites, protruding front teeth and narrow arches can be addressed.  We call any treatment done at this age interceptive orthodontics (not fixed braces) as its purpose is to help intercept early problems by guiding the growth of the jaw and creating more space for better permanent teeth positions. 

Things we normally look out for are the following:

  • Early or late loss of baby teeth
  • A hard time chewing or biting food
  • Mouth breathing
  • Finger or thumb sucking
  • Crowded, misplaced, or blocked teeth
  • Jaws that pop or make sounds when opening and closing
  • Teeth that come together abnormally, or do not come together at all
  • Jaws and teeth that are not proportionate to the rest of the face
  • Crowded front teeth

For older children (11 yrs +) an orthodontic screening will be done to determine if the jaws and teeth are in an ideal positon and if needed we will refer them to an orhodontis for further orthodontic treatment.


These functional appliances helps to reposition or reshape the upper or lower jaw of a patient rather than straighten teeth.We mostly make use of removable appliances to help sort out any crowding and arch discrepancies at an early age. These appliances can help to eliminate or lessen the need for fixed braces at a later age.


Custom mouth guard made and fitted by your dentist, can reduce your risk of dental injuries during contact sports.


This Sedation gets used in the dental chair at the dental practice and will be performed by qualified Practitioners. Procedural sedation together with local anaesthesia will put the patient in a relaxed state to make minor surgery possible. The analgesic drugs will result in a reduced level of consciousness but not effect normal respiration or cardiovascular functions but will allow for procedures to be done without the patient becoming anxious.

Different techniques can be used from oral medication to a sedative drug being given directly into a vein in your arm or hand. You will be able to talk, but the sedation is quite deep, and you may not remember much about the treatment. Your breathing, pulse and blood pressure are measured during treatment and you’ll need someone to take you home and stay with you for the rest of the day.

This service is aimed at:

  • People who get very anxious during medical procedures
  • Anybody that has a very low pain threshold and need a medical procedure
  • Children after an accident and who need to see a Dentist.

Procedures that can cause pain, but doesn’t always qualify for General Anesthesia, which includes:

  • Dental appointments, for multiple extractions or complicated, long procedures.
  • Multiple dental appointments for a complicated procedure can be done as one appointment under sedation.
  • Periodontal treatment
  • Tooth implants, etc.

General Anaesthesia will be given if the patient needs to be seen in the operating theatre for more advanced procedures.

Very few people require general anaesthesia and it’s usually reserved for people who are unable to cooperate with dental care because of their disabilities or people who require a great deal of dental work and are also dental phobic. It can only be done at a hospital or clinic.